Healing from Within
A Journey to Wholeness
I am not even sure where to start. I think it is more about the take-home and what I've learned about where true healing comes from. Going into detail about what happened to me does not have as much value as how I learned about the body's healing process.
We've all read about emotions and how they impact our physical body. Many spiritual practices suggest that clearing your energy can get rid of your emotions and, somehow, that’s supposed to heal you. Well, I'm here to tell you that’s not how it works. You must be present and understand the emotion and why it holds you back. Then you have to see it correctly and know that you are not it anymore. Only then can it heal.
Every time something happens to you, you process it with only the information you know to be true at that time—your thoughts and actions. If you don't know what to think or how to handle it, sometimes you just bury it deep so you don’t have to feel it or think about it. This seems to be the mode of operation for a lot of people, especially for things that happen when they are young and have no way to process it, and the people around them do not either.
It could be something as simple as someone stealing your toy, falling and getting hurt, friends not being nice to you, or caregivers not giving you good advice. It could be an accident, physical or emotional trauma, or even someone dying. How you process these things—whether you let them go, didn’t want to think about them, ignored them, or morphed them into what you needed them to be so you could handle the next moment—determines your physical and emotional state as you age.
For me, there were a lot of physical and emotional traumas with no way to understand or manage them. I buried them very deep. From working with people all these years, I see that’s what gets stuck in the tissue. You have this deep fight-or-flight response with triggers all around you. It could be something someone says or does, something you see on the news, something you read in a book, or something you encounter while out with friends. The way you processed it as a child seems to be the way you still process it as an adult until you understand how you see it and why you see it that way.
When you hold emotions and traumas in your tissue, you lock down physically in those areas, making it impossible for your body to heal properly. Chronic pain and illness can arise because your body essentially forgets those areas exist. The tension and unresolved emotions cause blockages that prevent healing and lead to ongoing physical issues.
True healing comes from going within and getting to know yourself—why you do and think the things you do. Once you can observe yourself from that level and go within at a physical level as well, it all starts to make sense. The connection between the physical and emotional begins to surface, and then the body will start to direct you on what it needs to heal, whether it's medical intervention, food, rest, bodywork, etc.
Knowing this is why I created my Awakened Wellness show and website. We all heal from a different place, and by reading the stories of others, we start to realize that we are not alone. Medicine cannot save us; it can only help where we are at. Understanding that no two people are on the same journey means a one-size-fits-all answer does not exist. Learning that healing comes from understanding that going within is first and medicine is second. Knowing that there is an infinite part of you that has your answers makes you realize what we know to be true is so limited compared to what is true.
Knowing what we are truly capable of and understanding that we are so much more than what we believe is where true healing comes from.
Get to know you and the Healing will follow!
Marie Knoetig